About Us

About Us

Chesapeakes.uk is a private and independant web site and does not represent any breeder, club or association.

This site is for information about Chesapeake Bay Retrievers to be transparent, to advertise breeders stud dogs and litters, to give potential Chessie owners all the information related to Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, health advice and more information world wide.

Visiting Crufts (Gundogs breeds)  and overhearing conversations between dog lovers indicated that many clubs or breeders do not provide enough information on their sites.

After travelling around the UK and Europe often people see 'Chesapeake Bay Retrievers' in canals, rivers, lakes, mountains, shows, agility meetings etc.  The most common thing expressed are:  "What a lovely Chocolate Labrador".  This site's information is for those people to understand what a 'Chesapeake Bay Retriever' is about and for those who might want to breed or those who have litters to sell or those who are looking for a puppy.


What We Do?

Chesapeakes UK website provides a totally 'free to use' advertising platform for private individuals, responsible breeders and rescue centers to list their adverts on - all related to Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. Potential buyers or adopters of Chesapeake Bay Retrievers can use the website to make initial contact with the advertisers.


Do We Check The Adverts Placed on Our Site

Yes, Chesapeakes UK manually approve adverts that have been requested to be placed on the Chesapeakes UK website. However we do not visit any of the advertisers homes or do any checks on the advertisers, therefore, it is the buyers responsibility to make any necessary checks on the advertisers before buying or adopting a puppy.  We also rely on our website users who visit the dogs / puppies to report any suspicious advertisers via the Contact Us form.


Do Chesapeakes UK prevent puppy farmers or dodgy breeders abusing your site?

Yes, Chesapeakes UK will do its utmost best to prevent puppy farmers from trying to use our website. Chesapeakes UK will monitor the number of adverts requested to be placed from each advertiser.  If it seems that there could be a problem with the number of adverts from a particular Breeder, Chesapeakes UK will get in touch with the advertisers local authority to check breeders licenses and to make sure they are valid. Chesapeakes UK also work closely with local councils and animal welfare organisations like C.A.R.I.A.D to prevent known puppy farmers from using our website. 


What kind of adverts do you not allow on the site?

We have a list of standards we have created that we stick to when approving or banning adverts. You can read them HERE.


How can I can contact Chesapeakes.uk ?

Chesapeakes UK website is run by a very small team (2 enthusiasts) and is a totally free service, therefore we are currently unable to provide telephone support, but you can contact us via email using our Contact Us form.